Assembly彙編 SCAS指令



section .text global _start ;must be declared for using gcc
_start: ;tell linker entry yiibai

mov ecx,len
mov edi,my_string
mov al , 'e' cld
repne scasb
je found ; when found ; If not not then the following code
mov eax,4 mov ebx,1 mov ecx,msg_notfound
mov edx,len_notfound int 80h jmp exit found: mov eax,4 mov ebx,1 mov ecx,msg_found
mov edx,len_found int 80h exit: mov eax,1 mov ebx,0 int 80h section .data
my_string db 'hello world', 0 len equ $-my_string
msg_found db 'found!', 0xa len_found equ $-msg_found
msg_notfound db 'not found!' len_notfound equ $-msg_notfound

